logkey.net, Forget Your Worries!

Common Customer Queries

Please refer to the list below before contacting logkey.net staff. We get daily inquiries from our customers so there's a chance we already answered your questions below.

What is your Support Center?

logkey.net Support Center provides Internet support for hundreds of websites on a daily basis. We employ a seasoned team of professionals to answer your every inquiry.

I lost my name or password, can I get it back?

Absolutely! Please refer to the site you signed up with. At their login page you'll see a button that says "Forgot Password", from here they provide you with the list of how to get it back. Please ensure you have all the applicable information you provided when signing up as we might ask you to disclose some details for identification purposes. If you happen to still have trouble, you can contact logkey.net directly at: [email protected].

Where can I cancel my membership?

Phone at , +1-866-957-8325, contact our instant messaging or send us a message via [email protected]. Be sure to attach the name of the website and please include your customer number so we can access your account faster.

I chose "trial membership" when I signed up. Why am I getting billed?

logkey.net only has a month long trial period. They then auto renew to a month by month subscription unless you send us your intent to cancel. It will appear as a payment hold in the debit line on your statements. Your bank according to their policies will hold it for a period of time as dictated. Please contact them if you require further information on this process.

Why is the billing monthly?

Our subscriptions are monthly so we charge you when you renew. If you are looking for more information you can contact logkey.net through [email protected], or live support, or by calling our customer support center at , +1-866-957-8325.

I can't log into my account with my ID or password.

The most common reason is there's been an error when typing your name or your password. Check capitals, punctuation, and spelling thoroughly when entering your info. Try as much as possible to only access the website directly through the address bar as third party links or sites can be faulty when sending and receiving data. Please also ensure you have checked any sort of anti-virus or internet protection programs you are running as some of them will prevent you from entering a password when your internet history still contains this data.

Another option is to delete all of your browsers temporary internet files and cookies. Deleting the history can be done by finding the internet settings tab in your browser, clicking on temporary files, history, or cookies (they are usually in the same general page), and then hitting delete. Once your browser has erased the past information try re-opening a fresh window and logging in again. This will stop your browser from trying to access old files with outdated information and should get you back into your account. You might also try switching to a different browser as sometimes when we undergo routine maintenance, it takes a while to update for all the browsers and platforms. For further inquiries or technical support please contact us at: [email protected].

How do I know it is safe to put my credit card information online?

We use a special encryption page when you sign up that only shows the last four digits of your credit card number. We would never violate your privacy by displaying your private information. If you would like to learn more about our privacy policy, call us at +1-866-957-8325 or email us at [email protected].

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Still having issues?

If your issue was not answered in our FAQ, please contact us directly as soon as possible so we can get it resolved.

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